A little sugar helps the medicines of Life go down.

*Warning* Private information available for all to see.

Posted on
  • Monday, January 24
  • by
  • aSpoonfulOsugar
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  • I read the following post from one of my favorite bloggers... Jill at Single Mom on a Budget...and thought... this can't be a big deal... but I would check it out.  I was shocked when I found information about everyone in my family including my father who passed away in 2006.  They limit the number of removals you can do on each e-mail... I believe the limit is 2.  So I am using all of my alternative emails to make sure that my family member's personal/private information is not listed on this site.  What this site does is pull all of the information that is out on the web about a person and list it in one spot.  Is it illegal?  No.  But is it something that doesn't need to be out there for just anyone to EASILY pay $2.95 to get...NO!!... this may not be illegal but it is something that I will try to limit my exposure to... and I do think this should be illegal..but until it is whenever I find out about a site like this... then I will take the steps to remove my family's exposure.

    Have you heard of Spokeo.comYou NEED to know about it. Head over there, type your name in and look for yourself.  

    Did you find yourself? Your address? Your phone number? Age? Value of your house? Your kids names listed?   At the click of a button?  FOR FREE!!!!

    Imagine what people can get when they pay $2.95 or more!?  I did and it made me sick.  I have no idea what their information source is, but it is dead on.

    I’m active on Twitter, I’ve mentioned that before, and I see people that constantly update their twitter and facebook feeds with where they are at.  Whether it’s home, the grocery store, a restaurant… and when you click on a link it shows their street, zip code.  It shocks me.  In fact, I don’t even say the city I live in outloud on twitter.

    If you are one of those people on twitter that do this – STOP DOING IT!

    Thankfully, Megan of Half-Pint House, tweeted the answer on how to remove it all.  Thank goodness!!!!

    Here are the steps to making your information disappear:
    1. Search for yourself and/or child(ren).
    2. When you find yourself click on your name.
    3. Copy the URL (up in the top box of your webpage).  It will say something like “www.spokeo.com/search?q=YOUR NAME….”.  Copy that.
    4. Now go here: http://www.spokeo.com/privacy
    5. Paste that URL into the “URL” box.
    6. Enter your e-mail and type the code shown.
    7. You will receive an e-mail that you have to click to verify.  Do it.  Immediately.
    I followed these steps and all information is gone.  GO DO IT.  NOW!
    Now click that little e-mail button to pass this information to your friends and family.


    The Pilot's Wife said...

    Thank you for posting this, I appreciate the information. Surprisingly, I am not listed in there, but my husband is. We will be taking care of it right away!

    Anna, The Pilot's Wife

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