A little sugar helps the medicines of Life go down.

One is the loneliest number

Posted on
  • Friday, April 1
  • by
  • aSpoonfulOsugar
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  • According to the song "One"  by Harry Nilsson (I know the 1969 Three Dog Night version the best)... 'One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do.'  But the real question is One the loneliest number? 

    As a Stay at Home Mom of two young boys, I embrace the concept of 'oneness'... I don't just embrace it ... I actively crave it and go running after it at times.

    I yearn for the time of the day, when my husband comes home and I get a few precious moments of solitude to finally go to the bathroom in peace  without that sweet little voice asking "Mommy...Mommmy...MOMMMY"

    I count the days, until my Zumba class as it is a twenty minute car ride with no children, no husband, no dogs, and for some reason my cell does not work on that trip reliably.  Yet I still play my son's cds... can't cut the cord too soon.

    I love the late hours after the teething baby is asleep and before my husband calls me to bed, when I can think in quiet.  Quietly thinking while rocking a sleeping baby is one of the perks of Motherhood.

    I have even been known to make elaborate dishes for parties just so I could have the kitchen to myself.  The added benefit of being "super Mom"  has nothing to do with it.

    No... to all of the "lonely Ones" out there... it is not a lonely number ... it is a much need, closely guarded, and strongly desired time for a Mom.  Yet... I wouldn't trade even a second of my Mom time for even just one more day of 'oneness' ... it is not a lonely number... it is just not the "Best number"...the best number is when I am surrounded by those I cherish and love... a minimum of 4 but the more the merrier.  As long as I have had a couple of one time prior to and just after my best times... I think "I will survive"  ((oh... No... another old song reference that shows my age...oops now I have it running around in my head...argh))


    Only one more day to go... till it is here. 



    Alicia said...

    "Quietly thinking while rocking a sleeping baby is one of the perks of Motherhood."

    Well said.

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